Wednesday 3 June 2009


the sky ablack with brooding,
flashing with ill-te
mpered ire

Their ancient marble arches,
their mosaics.
This hallowed hall still echoes
muezzin and mass
(like cousins estranged),
smells and scents,
shuffling feet...

Tourists scatter, as primeval gods
attempt a cleansing, we,
we imitators of the oldest of natural rituals,
the flood rebirth.

forgotten apex of the Old World,
you trampled western mecca,
you're become bone-weary-wise,
fatigued of politics,
soulsick of polemic and purging,

thou sage,
tired of this heavy world,
disillusioned of the next,
genuflecting to the final god,
what will be, shall be


Discovered this in an old notebook this morning. Only slightly retouched. I wrote it while hiding from a monsoon rain a bar one afternoon.

It helps if you know that Cordoba has the largest mosque in the western world. If I remember right it dates back to around the 10th century. Slap bang in the middle of the mosque, some (clearly insane) later medieval christians built a rather ostentatious catholic chapel, in the context it's just as grotesquely nouveau-riche gauche as you might imagine. unsurprisingly the city has a history of violent purges of one side or the other or more often the jews. the site is now a significant tourist attraction, and to me carried an air of self-loathing at the futile destructive hate all such fanaticism engenders.

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